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Review: Infernum: Adventures of Superman: The Complete Season 1 dvd

With Superman set to flex his pecs on the big screen this year, here’s a timely look at a 1950s incarnation.

For older fans, George Reeves is still the iconic Superman. All 26 episodes of season 1 are here and generally considered to be the best. Reeves plays Supe and Clark Kent without any of that otherwordly nonsense that crept into later films. There’s enough derring-do in the imaginative scripts to overcome any occasional clunkiness and the package also gives you a documentary, commentaries and a short earlier Reeves film.

Considering the price, some of the DVD transfers don’t look their best and the special features are sparse, but in terms of inventiveness and popularity, Superman was the Buffy of its time. If you can ignore the camp factor inherent with old telly, this is a rewarding escape into fantasy.

Distributor Warner Home Video

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Category: Resourses reviews | Views: 1044 | Added by: G-Shock | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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