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The Fund for Art and Dialogue has announced the Artadia Awards 2009 Boston. Three jurors—Peter Eleey (visual arts curator, Walker Art Center), Rita Gonzalez (assistant curator of contemporary art, LACMA), and Randi Hopkins (associate curator, ICA Boston)—conducted studio visits with fifteen short-listed artists drawn from nearly six hundred applicants in the metro Boston area. This is Artadia’s second cycle in Boston following the inaugural awards cycle in 2007.

The two recipient at the $15,000 level are Amie Siegel and Joe Zane; the five recipients of the $3,000 awards are Claire Beckett, Ambreen Butt, Caleb Cole, Raul Gonzalez, and Eric Gottesman.

Applications for the Artadia Awards were open to visual artists in all media and at any stage of their career working and living in metro Boston. The three first-round jurors—artist Sanford Biggers, curator Dan Cameron, and Hopkins—reviewed 577 applications and selected the fifteen finalists in New York in June.

Category: Other | Views: 569 | Added by: Liberman | Date: 08.08.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

The police are now asking for the public’s help in locating two paintings stolen from the Nicholas Roerich Museum on two dates in late June, according to the New York Times. The museum seems perhaps an unlikely location for art crime and intrigue. Housed in a brownstone on a quiet block of the Upper West Side of New York and dedicated solely to the work of an obscure Russian artist, it is open only three hours a day and is rarely mentioned in guidebooks.

The paintings, worth a total of about thirty thousand dollars, are both small: One is ten inches by fourteen inches, and the other is twelve inches by sixteen inches. Daniel Entin, the museum’s director, speculated that their size facilitated the crime.

The paintings were stolen during visiting hours on June 24 and June 28, the police said. “A lot of people come here, and during the open hours, somebody stole one painting,” Entin said. “And then, maybe a day, later stole another.”

He said he believed that the same person, a ... Read more »

Category: Other | Views: 533 | Added by: Liberman | Date: 08.08.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Amos Kenan, a member of Israel’s founding generation whose writing and art helped define modern Israeli culture, has died in Tel Aviv, reports Matti Friedman for the Associated Press. Born in 1927 in Tel Aviv, which had been founded less than two decades earlier by Jewish pioneers, Kenan was a product of the city’s rich cultural life. He was known for his newspaper columns, plays, and books, many of which satirized the Israeli government and organized religion, and also as a prolific painter, sculptor, and film director.

In the 1940s, Kenan was one of a number of artists and intellectuals who sought to create an Israeli identity without Judaism by rejecting Jewish history and harking back to the biblical Canaanites, whose name the artists adopted for their group. “Amos Kenan was one of the creators of Hebrew culture––Hebrew, not Jewish,” said Israeli political activist and journalist Uri Avnery, a friend and colleague of Kenan’s since the two met as soldiers during the 1948 Arab-Is ... Read more »

Category: Other | Views: 495 | Added by: Liberman | Date: 08.08.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

The Seattle Times reports that the Frye Art Museum has announced it has chosen Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker as its new director. Birnie Danzker, currently an independent scholar and curator, will take on the position October 1, succeeding Midge Bowman, who is retiring. Birnie Danzker has previously served as director of the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Museum Villa Stuck in Munich. For the Frye, she has curated exhibits including “The Munich Secession and America” and “Transatlantic: American Artists in Germany.”
Category: Other | Views: 463 | Added by: Liberman | Date: 08.08.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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Category: Other | Views: 573 | Added by: Alex | Date: 03.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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Category: Other | Views: 729 | Added by: Verdict | Date: 03.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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