I've been off-line doing real stuff for a few days, so tell me if this one has already been covered.
Usually I like to awake to a feeling of refreshment not ennui. However as you can see (if you wish, not necessary) below, Stephan has posted a whole page on the Saatchi Online Gallery, devoted to what people have to say about his work.
In a typically Warholian approach he has included the good with the bad and everything inbetween. This could be seen as humorous cynicism, or on the other hand just desperate attention seeking with a complete lack of objectivity borne of delusion. If you ask me it could have gone in for a rigorous edit before being (re) forced out into the world.
Amongst it he has quoted verbatim snippets from the forum, from you and I, as well as an edit from my blog, which I have previously asked him here, not to do, with support of site administrators.
Personally, I can't see the point of it but I welcome anyone's thoughts on this thread. http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/drupal/?q=node/34370